Friday, July 25, 2008

Helping Boy

Dorian is really into helping at the moment...

Helping Dad do sit-ups.
Helping make a mess of the kitchen...
And then cleaning it up.
Helping us find the waiter.
Helping Grandpa shop.
Helping break the mandolin.
Helping Great Grandma find my wallet.
Helping Daddy fix Great Grandma's TV.
Helping make mealtimes easier - he can feed himself now!
Most of the time.
He actually found the baby cookies himself!
And Dorian is especially happy to help where computers* are concerned....

And finally, my favorite: Helping tire Dad out!

*James had the brilliant idea to give Dorian our old laptop which is totally broken and useless...I didn't know why James hung onto it, until now. Genius. Dorian has already torn half the keys off, tried to choke on a couple, and as you can see, crawled all over the screen. He loves it though and it does keep him off ours, provided we pretend to use his first!

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