Friday, July 4, 2008

Pictures for Daddy!

James requested more pictures...he's playing at the Skagen Festival in Denmark at the moment. I promise to write a LONG written update tonight for you avid readers. I have so much to say, it's been daunting to think about sitting down to write it!

Crawling while smacking his lips. Hmmm, what can I eat?
Always trying to take the camera from me.
Making the move to the couch - he could walk all around the room if we had enough furniture for him to hold on to!
Caught with the laptop cord - he's not supposed to have that and he knows it. I left the room this morning for 2 seconds, came back and he had crawled all the way across the room, pulled himself up on to the couch and started typing on my laptop! Guess I can't leave it lying around anymore!
Lowering himself to the floor...
And off and away!
This is his laughing face - he makes this really deep, guttural laughing sound that is too cute.
Um, he's discovered his manhood. And of course, he's grinning about that. Oi vey.
Cool dude. I LOVE his hair spiked up!


Anonymous said...

i love his manhood photo. its pretty amazing. how on earth has he gotten so big?!?! he looks ginormous in relation to you. or should i say, you are just so petite that your perfectly healthy son looks like giant.

Kelly said...

Very well-put Jess! You know me sooooooo well. :)