Monday, April 27, 2009

Language Explosion

Woah. Wow. Phew. This kid can talk! In the last 36 hours, I swear, he has learned a couple dozen new words. I'm not kidding. Something must have clicked in his brain a couple days ago because there's no shutting this kid up now. He is repeating every word I say and then using it correctly (while pointing to the correct object) again later in the day. It's incredible. In the past day and half, we have added the following words to his already strong 18 month old repertoire:

table, water, cereal, spoon, pineapple, watermelon, tiger, window, rug, turtle, piano, bus, truck, dirty, cold, bag, bread, bib, flower, yogurt

"Dirty" is my current favorite - he says it with a strong American accent and he definitely understands what it is. He went to a spot on the kitchen floor that had caked food on it and pointed, saying "Dirty, dirty." It was great. We just need to get him a mop now.

He has repeated numerous other words - he's mimicking EVERYTHING - so it will be interesting to see what else he has retained.

Wow! It's amazing! I told you this kid was a genius!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha Sure it's great now...but if he's like Brendan now that he's started he seriously WILL NOT shut up.

Stargates, improbability drives, hyperspace, dwarves mining stuff, galaxies, blah blah blah...

But just ask him to repeat something you said five minutes ago. Not happening.

Welcome to the world of "Selective Listening and Retention." I saved a straight-jacket for