Thursday, April 16, 2009


I've been very lax keeping up with this blog while Kel is working, sorry. I promise not to let it die when she starts nursing school. Since my parents came over they, Dori and I have: driven to Bakersfield for a Tempest gig (pictures in the previous post); visited Mendacino for a few days by the coast; been to to Oakland zoo, Fairyland, Studio Grow, Lotus Bloom playgroup, Gymbouree and Golden Gate park; had an Easter egg hunt; and visited countless playgrounds and parks. Way too busy to blog! My parents have been taking pictures as have I, so expect a major photo post soon. Over to you, Kel! I left for the East coast on Wednesday as Tempest has a three-week spring tour. I write this at 2 in the morning after our first gig (very well, thanks for asking) and should probably get some sleep, we have a 5 hour drive to a gig in Iowa tomorrow.

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